WIDTH: 56"
WEIGHT: 5.5 OZ per square yard
COLOR: White with Olive Green Geometric Design
FIBER: 100%
Fabric comes in one continuous piece:
Entering 1 in Quantity comes with a 1 Yard Piece
Entering 2 in Quantity comes with a 2 Yard Piece
Entering 3 in Quantity comes with a 3 Yard Piece
WEIGHT: 5.5 OZ per square yard
COLOR: White with Olive Green Geometric Design
FIBER: 100%
Fabric comes in one continuous piece:
Entering 1 in Quantity comes with a 1 Yard Piece
Entering 2 in Quantity comes with a 2 Yard Piece
Entering 3 in Quantity comes with a 3 Yard Piece